Five Days of Cubes – Day 2: Infinite Cube(oid) Stairs!

Infinite Stairs1

It’s now day 2 of my ‘Five Days a Week’ creative excercise, and it’s time for me to continue my series of cube drawing. However, this time I decided to mix up the theme a little bit…

This time, I decided to draw a famous optical illusion: ‘Penrose Stairs’, also known as the ‘Impossible Staircase’. Basically, it’s an illusion of a staircase that appears to go up (or down) forever and ever. I’ve always been fascinated by optical illusions: I’m an incredibly visual person, and I tend to like anything that appeals to the eyes, or in this case, screws them up. Although if I had the chance, I’d like to try walking up these stairs….and up…and up…and up until my legs get tired.

Anyways, the optical illusion fits in with my theme of cubes because…well, the stairs themselves look like an open cube. I also constructed the staircase out of cuboids of varying sizes, just in case there was any doubt (btw I also decided that cuboids would be valid as well).

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